Getting over it with bennett foddy quotes
Getting over it with bennett foddy quotes


At worst, it’s a half-arsed attempt at something memorable that starts to grate about 37 seconds after you are given control over your character. Getting Over It is, at best, a spirited attempt at something memorable.

getting over it with bennett foddy quotes

Even when I’m doing well, I’m not having fun, because a naked man in a pot climbing a wall with a long hammer is never fun, even if you overlay old music and quotes over it.īennett Foddy has aimed for such a transcendent, unique experience that he forgot to start from the very beginning with a gameplay concept that keeps players interested after the “look how silly it is” factor wears off. It’s not even the lack of tangible progression that makes Bennett Foddy’s Go Fuck Yourself a sloppy orgy, it’s the simple fact that even the first time you play it, you’re not having fun. The difference between Dark Souls and Get Over It is that Dark Souls has fun gameplay and world building. All difficult, repetitive, all frustrating when you make a mistake and have to start over. You can even be frustrating without being unfun! Look at Dark Souls, look at any bullet hell shooter, or any of those indie precision platformers that always get critical acclaim. To this dickhead, I say fuck you, because no game that isn’t fun has ever been worth playing. “No!” says the pretentious connoisseur of artsy games, “it’s not meant to be fun, it’s meant to be frustrating! That’s the lesson you’re supposed to learn from the whole thing!” This screenshot is about as interesting as the game gets. It’s cute, I see the appeal, but Benny, you fucked up one crucial, integral part of making any video game entertaining and worthwhile: You wanted to talk about frustration and about culture about how it’s important not to give up. You had all the tools right there: you had the idea, you knew what you wanted to say in your preachy little snippets of narration.

getting over it with bennett foddy quotes

We get it, we can all see how this could have been a fascinating, profound little game that at the very least gives some food for thought. We all see what you were trying to do, Benny.


Getting Over It is built on the concept that you find an Australian man quoting literature at you every time you fuck up to be enough of a draw to power it through the torrent of hot shit that is everything else about this game. If you like your pretentious, philosophical rambling to having any deeper meaning than “getting frustrated sure is frustrating, isn’t it?”, then it won’t work. For instance, if you’re not easily frustrated, it won’t work. It’s the type of game that only works under very specific circumstances. It’s not that Bennett Foddy’s Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy does everything horribly wrong, it just doesn’t do anything well. If you thought the guy who made QWOP would do an atrocious job of making a philosophical, minimalist experience, you’d be right.


Each fall or loss of progress is remarked upon by a comment from the narrator. “Ouch, you just lost a lot of progress, a real kick in the gut.” Other comments like that, that can be quite tiresome to be poked at for each error that results in loss of progress.This review is for the Microsoft Windows version of Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. Flying aside, it is quite difficult to stay on certain platforms, as the bottom of your character is a cauldron, and quite slippery, so you slide off on slopes. Much like the little descriptive narrative in the beginning, the game itself is not exactly polished, and when you swing or attempt to bounce yourself from the ground, any slight movement that is just a little too fast will send you flying. The enjoyment for many comes from the constant struggle of overcoming an obstacle, as one progresses one sees that obstacles that were once difficult not become far easier from numerous attempts and failures.

getting over it with bennett foddy quotes

Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol.

getting over it with bennett foddy quotes

Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, So what. The ultimate obstacle is a “mountain” which is anything but simply scaling, as there are many gaps in between which will send you plummeting down to the beginning or to a previously scaled obstacle. Quotes tagged as 'getting-over-it' Showing 1-18 of 18. There is no prompt to guide you, aside from the simple control mechanic of swinging your mouse in a circular motion, either fast or slow, depending how far you wish to throw yourself at the obstacles in your way.

Getting over it with bennett foddy quotes